Ina is our resident master gardener which means she actually got schooled in the art of cultivation, while the rest of us either learned through experience – or we fake it.
She creates beautiful gardens, but always refers to a plant by its latin or botanical name. I have no idea what she is saying.
Centaurea cineraria
I think she believes that if she repeats the name often enough, I will eventually catch on.
Physostegia virginiana
I just nod. Politely.
Asclepias tuberose
I have discovered that I am much more inspired to learn the latin names of dogs than flowers. Don’t ask me why. For example:
Lipidus smoochus
Minus dontouchus
Toobigus forlapus
Feelgoodus dontstopus
See what I mean? Much more memorable.
Meus happius
Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Botanical names, Dog Names, Dogs, gardening, Latin Names, Nature, Pets, Photography